State Kiosk

The State Kiosk provides and online portal which aggregates CSBG reporting data from sub-grantees.

State Kiosk

How does it work?

The kiosk pulls numbers from each state database and displays a total aggregated amount of data for various CSBG sections. This includes aggregated numbers for demographic data, services, and outcome information. The State Kiosk also allows the option to drilldown on the reported numbers to showcase exactly which databases contributed to what portion of the total amount. It can also drilldown further to display details (names, birthdates, etc.) of each client being reported.

When a CSBG report is created through the State Kiosk, it also creates a report in each agency database, which cannot be altered by agency staff. This ensures that the reporting parameters, dates, and reporting options all align with what the state needs at the time and maintains the integrity of the data. With the kiosk, staff is given the option to select the databases on which they want to report. They can get an aggregated total for all databases or fewer databases.

How the Kiosk Meets Organizational Standards
Another portion of the kiosk ties to Organizational Performance Standards, where the staff is able to see which agency has uploaded documentation in support of meeting these standards. The State Kiosk will showcase which standards have been met, or not met, and will also showcase any notes documented by agency staff. This functionality of the kiosk takes away from having to log in to each agency database individually to determine whether standards have been met and if documentation has been uploaded.


ROMA reporting

Provides aggregated statewide ROMA reporting.

Collect on Organizational Performance Standards

Agencies can report on standards met and progress to those unmet.

Demographic data

Provides aggregated demographic data